President’s Message

A big thank you to all of the staff, members and patrons of the Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club for making the 2021/2022 season a success.  Although the grooming season has ended, there are still good snow conditions in the alpine ~ and the trails are holding up well.

As always, there were significant challenges this season, and we strive to continually improve.

The Annual General Meeting is coming soon, on May 9th, and we are excited to finally have an in-person gathering after having missed out the last couple of years.

A healthy club relies on volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors.

Do you have ideas and solutions that could improve the club? Please consider “throwing your hat in the ring” to serve on the board.  Candidates must sign and submit a Nomination Form, which must be countersigned by a current Director.  Please submit your form to me via email (link in form) prior to May 4th.  The EVSC and the District of Sicamous are in a unique partnership where the prosperity of one party depends on the other, and I would encourage local business owners to consider serving on the Board.

Gord Canfield


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