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Every second counts in backcountry search and rescue — ALWAYS CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY


Educate Yourself
Read the following article to familiarize yourself with the processes involved for effective and timely dispatch of Search and Rescue. ARTICLE

Plan Your Trip
Ensure that you advise friends and family of what riding area you are attending and when you will be returning. If you are overnighting in one of the Cabins – ensure that you advise our Booth Attendant upon departure so that we know to expect your truck in the parking lot on the next morning. Make sure your family knows that THEY need to call 911 in order to trigger a dispatch of Search and Rescue as soon as they are concerned you have not returned.

Know Your Riding Group
Choose people with appropriate training, skill level and respect for mountain hazards. NEVER RIDE ALONE. If you arrive alone ensure that you find a group to ride with in the parking lot before you head up the mountain.

Increase Your Odds

  • Carry a GPS Location device/SOS outreach technology and KNOW HOW TO USE IT.
  • Carry equipment for self-rescue and know how to use it.
  • Carry equipment for self-rescue and know how to use it. Have a plan!
  • Most importantly: KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT — minutes feel like hours in emergency situation; mitigate the unknown by educating yourself here on Search and Rescue procedures.


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It is recommended that you read avalanche bulletins at and take avalanche training before you travel into the mountain areas. You should also be equipped with proper avalanche safety equipment and know how to use it.


Educate Yourself
Get avalanche training. For a list of courses near you, go to does not prepare you to travel in avalanche terrain.

Plan Your Trip
Select a route that’s appropriate for the current avalanche conditions.

Know Your Riding Group
Choose people with avalanche training and respect for mountain hazards.

Keep Your Options Open
Be willing to turn around if you or anyone in your party has concerns about the route or conditions.

Increase Your Odds
Use decision support tools such as the Avaluator to help you make good decision choices in avalanche country.

Be Ready
Carry equipment for self-rescue and know how to use it. Have a plan!


A.S.T. Level 1 Canadian Avalanche Association accredited course.

Get the Avalanche Safety Training and knowledge that all mountain riders should have. Gain the skills and knowledge that may not only prevent an unexpected avalanche, but also what to do if disaster strikes. These skills may very well save lives, yours or someone your with.

The Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) offers a number of Avalanche Training courses. To get more information on these courses go the Avalanche Canada website.