EVSC – Information on Season Startup

Welcome to the 2021/22 Snowmobile season. It is well advertised and documented that the absolute best practice to contain the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases is to stay home if you are sick and limit visits to public places for the essentials. Our first priority is the health and safety of our Team Members, guests and our communities through these challenging times.

As our Team Members and management prepare for the 2021/22 season, we have watched carefully the progress of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We have monitored closely the recommendations and precautionary measures of the World Health Organization, Health Canada, the BC Centre for Disease Control and our Provincial Health Officer.

While we acknowledge that the absolute best practice is to stay home, given the nature of the sport of snowmobiling amidst wide open spaces, and with rigid protocols in place, the sport can continue to be enjoyed, keeping both snowmobilers and employees safe from the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. It must also be acknowledged that snowmobiling does offer health benefits that must not be overlooked. Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations studies have shown that snowmobiling will result in improvements to your physical and mental well-being.

The Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club (EVSC) is committed to the ongoing safety of our members, riders and our Team Members. As a result, a number of precautionary measures have been put in place to ensure that everyone will stay safe in and around EVSC operations. Safety will rely on the full cooperation of snowmobilers and our Team Members from the time we arrive at the trail head until the time we leave. We have implemented a number of safety measures including:

  • ensuring Team Member health
  • practicing physical distancing
  • reducing the number of touch points & rigorous cleaning of remaining touch points
  • use of face masks when dealing with the public or where the 6’ physical distance cannot be maintained.
  • training our Team Members on enhanced cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing procedures, and
  • requiring the cooperation of snowmobilers through adherence to our policies and

A full list of the internal measures we have implemented can be found Below and these measures are also posted at the collector sheds at each trailhead . While we do hope that our environment will return to normal in the not too distant future, for now, this mode of operation has become the new normal. We acknowledge that every snowmobiler will make their own decision as to whether it is in their best interest to snowmobile during these times or not. However, should you choose to join us, we will welcome you and require your full cooperation with regards to the measures that have been implemented for everyone’s safety.

Stay safe,
Stuart Sorkilmo, General Manager
250-803-6737 * info@sledsicamous.com
Eagle Valley Snowmobile Club

General Messaging to Snowmobilers

  • If you have underlying medical conditions, it is recommended that you not visit our facility.
    Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 which primarily displays as a persistent cough,
    will not be permitted on the trails. So, if you don’t feel well, please stay home, and, when in
    doubt, get tested.
  • If you have traveled outside of Canada, you are not permitted at our facility until you have
    self- isolated for a minimum of 14 days.
    If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to our facility. Call your
    doctor, local public health or call 8-1-1.
  • If you live in a household with someone who has COVID-19 or is showing symptoms of
    COVID- 19, please do not come to our facility.
  • Physical distancing is required at all times (minimum 6ft apart). There should be no
    handshaking, no hugging, etc. from arrival until departure and this will be enforced. Failure
    to observe physical distancing risks the closure of our facility, and as such, you will be asked
    to leave the premises.
  • The washrooms and outhouses in the parking lots will be opened and cleaned/disinfected TWICE daily. Please bring your own sanitizer and use it frequently.
    Following the recommendations of Health Canada, we encourage all snowmobilers to wear a mask or their full-face helmet when entering our buildings. Please observe occupancy limits if posted on the door and ensure you can maintain physical distancing.

Check-In Policy

  • WAIT IN YOUR VEHILE until our collector can process your visit.
  • Be prepared to pay for trail fees or other purchases by tap debit/visa/mastercard transaction OR provide exact cash.
  • PRACTICE PHYSICAL DISTANCING ALWAYS (minimum 6 ft apart) from our Team Members and from other riders in and around parking areas, collection huts, or shelters.
  • Avoid congregating in the parking lot (physical distancing).
  • Change into your snowmobile gear in the parking lot, in your trailer, or vehicle.

Snowmobiler Adherence
All policies will be enforced and anyone not in compliance with these policies will be asked
to leave the premises.