Welcome to Our New Look

Sled Sicamous Enters the 2021 Season Sharp as Ever

This season we’re very excited to present our club members and the public with a new brand that we hope will carry us through for many seasons to come. After dutifully representing Sicamous for… well – as long as we can remember – the EVSC team has respectfully and lovingly decided to retire the Moose Mouse in exchange for a logo we’re hoping will help to represent our organization as we take our club to new heights. In short order we will be releasing a lineup of clothing items (just in time to fill that last wee spot under the Christmas tree) that we look forward to seeing on the hill, around town, and beyond!

However, we cannot share this moment without sending out a HUGE thank you to EVSC member, Jeremy Fehr, for lending us his Graphic Guro, Emi Linds. She skillfully built our vision into the logo you see here today and we can’t say it enough; thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Patience and Persistence Pays Off on the Owlhead Fire Closure Exemption

As many of you are aware the town of Sicamous experienced an extremely stressful and closely proximate fire this summer. Luckily, the Sicamous, Swansea Point, Ranchero and Malakwa Fire Departments effectively joined specialized structural protections units, and Wild Land men and women to put up a breathtaking battle that kept both the communities of Sicamous and Swansea Point safe from structural losses.

Once the fire was effectively directed away from civilization a secondary effort began in keeping the Owlhead cabin and Cache cabin safe from damage. Luckily, the fire did not get near enough to either cabin to cause too much concern, and we are very thankful to say that both of those buildings are ready for your visit this winter.

This all said, damage to the natural environment we loving access via Owlhead FSR has been extensive. In order to mitigate further environmental deterioration the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development has placed a motor vehicle closure on the burn area (as pictured above).

Thankfully, with the assistance of local government and chamber of commerce we have since received a permit to access the greater Owlhead area via the Owlhead Creek FSR for the 2021/22 season.

Please note that dated permits will be provided by our collectors to all riders accessing Owlhead once the season commences. Maps and signage will also be available to ensure that the indicated burn area is not disturbed by sledding for this season; and we sincerely hope that we can count on you, our ridership, to exemplify respectful use of the permit and its boundaries.

Until we open please note that this area, INCLUDING the FSR, is closed for public motorized use and, we understand, that it will be closely monitored by Conservation Officers this year.


We’re happy to see snow finally this week, but it is still quite sparse at lower elevations. So far there’s just not enough base until it sticks. We began moving the CAT’s on Monday and are crossing all of our fingers and toes to begin at Blue Lake this weekend… last Thursday our recon. mission to Blue Lake and Owlhead found gravel to 9km, Queest is logging until 14km and Eagle Pass has 6″ of snow at 4km and likely not more than 6″ for 18km at least. As soon as we’re rocking and rolling we’ll be posting grooming reports and depths on our grooming report page! Also – until we can get up to Owlhead with some equipment we’re waiting on, the webcam is going to remain intermittent/down. Because of this we would really appreciate anyone out and about to share their depth checks on our Facebook page to help keep our community here in the know!!! Thanks for all your snow dances, it’ll pay off soon, we’re sure of it!

Until next time, Sled Safely!!!